Oh right rook city wrath or omnitron X. though the difficulty for that is very high.
Odds of AZ getting Isothermic Transducer orfind module card in his first 4 card draws 60.65%
Odds Ra will start with a Imbued fire in his first 4 cards 19.23%
Odds Fixed point is on top of the deck 6.67%
Odds all three come together on the first round 0.78%
One possible scenerio for PW CC loop is PW CC greatest legacy, PW Fanatic. CC plays a construct legacy and pw let CC use his power twice and Fanatic plays end of days.
Odds CC starts with at least 1 construct 97.40%
Odds Fanatic can play at least 1 end of days with a starting hand of 4 and playing the top card of her deck twice for a total of 6 cards 28.07%
once on her turn and once from greatest legacy. Giving the ovarl chance to pull off this 1 specific combo 27.34%
Because a construct is shuffled into the deck means that if you find yourself in the situation of your last construct in play was destroyed and there are none in your hand there are 23 in the deck to be drawn. So worst case scenario you have a 87.62% chance of drawing a construct with your 2 draws.
The probability of performing this 1 specific combo is 27.34%, but there is also the combo where augmented ally is in CC's hand and he plays it on fanatic who gets to let CC use his power at the start of her turn and then can destroy a construct with a card play starting the chain. Then their is the evironment or the villain destroying them and if you add a 4th hero suddenly it's pretty easy to have that guy destroy a construct starting the chain.
Comparing the two we have a .78% chance to kill the villain before his first round, vs. a greater then 27.34% chance of killing him on the first round comparing two specific hero comps that can pull a loop off.
All I'm trying to say is that this should be brought up to Christopher to fix the loop. I'm suprised something that was brought up in playtesting and fixed would just be reverted, when it was known to cause this limitless loop.