What was your biggest rule botch?

Hey everyone! I've only been playing a couple of weeks but I'm loving the game and have already made a lot of use of the forums and the great community here :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyway, despite my best efforts and being a pretty experienced tabletop gamer, I managed to really mess up a rule on Spite. For whatever reason, I thought that Spite's PL531 Compound Upsilon discarded (H-2) equipment and ongoings from each hero. Needless to say, this turned the villain quickly from "fiddly pain in the butt" to "this is literally impossible".

So, confession time! What was the rule / card you messed up worst? Did it make your game easier or harder?

I thought the card drawn from Headless Lash went into the trash instead of play, woops. 

That's really funny, because my wife and I botched the exact same rule which resulted in our first ever loss.  My reaction was "how is this guy a 2"?  

Another rule we botched in our favor in our first or second game was instances of damage couting seperalely.  Nightmist was in her mistform and redirecting 18 damage a turn to Apostate's relic since it all came from him, despite the fact that it was multple hits.

One of my biggest botches also came from Spite, I was playing solo and got confused by his end of turn effect. I ending up skipping his play phase for the entire game.

I wondered why it seemed like no challenge until I was packing up and saw my rulebook with the phases of play. I keep it in plain sight now, just in case.


On occasion I forget to have Akash'Bhuta deal herself damage when a limb is destroyed…in fact a few weeks ago my partner (playing Fanatic) put out End of Days becuase Akash'Bhuta and the Environment both had quite a few cards out and we didn't have too much stuff to lose (I was Chrono Ranger and just had the hat and a couple of bounties out, and of course Jim is great at recovering his stuff - I think I even had a Displaced Armoury on me to recover the hat on my next turn) so decided to go for it and smash as much of her stuff as we could to deal her a whole bunch of damage. And yes, I removed all those limbs from play and then my partner went "hang on, what about the damage?" or words to that effect so I had to pick them all from the top of the trash again (fortunately wasn't difficult as the card beneath the bottom-most limb was a Primeval Eruption so I knew when to stop) and tot up the damage. Came out at 103 (included bonus from the take-extra-damage-from-everything bounty which we conveniently chose to destroy after all Akash'Bhuta's stuff was gone ;)), our highest single-turn damage to date, I believe. And it wasn't even directly dealt by a hero!

I once played a whole game thinking that every time Fanatic used Absolution she regained an HP. That was fun!

I thought Omnitron's components were destroyed if he took 7 damage in a turn. I've started playing the right way and I don't think I've seen his death ray go off since.

Also thought Dawn needed H-1 or H+1 citizens in play, but forgot she counted.

Speaking of Omnitron, the first time I fought him I thought he had to deal 7 damage in a turn to destroy his components, sort like overheating I thought. After getting hit with disentigration ray, railgun, and polarizing card draw lighting I was starting to wonder how I'd ever survive until he was dishing out 7 damage.

And I still won that fight :sunglasses:

The very first game that I played was against Omnitron.  We thought his front side rule said to shuffle his trash INTO his deck and flip cards until you got a drone or component.  As a result, we got hit by Sedative Flechettes 3 times in rapid succession (bad luck combined with it constantly being shuffled back in).  After getting smashed for 15 points, just from the one-shots, we thought he was crazy hard :)

Playing as Visionary and going into the telekinetic cocoon, damage immunity and drawing three cards per turn after the first turn, what's not to love?

What's that, you don't get three cards per turn? Yes you do! One from 'normal' rules, One from not playing/powering the turn and one from the card itself, just like Recharge Mode. No, I haven't read the card in a while but I'm sure that...


So going into the telekinetic cocoon while inside Bunker's recharging suit doesn't net me three cards a turn either? Well why am I cramped inside this smelly old robot then?!

I actually have another Visionary and her telekinetic cocoon. I used to read it for whatever reason that she couldn't play or use powers on her turn, meaning heroes with the incap powers that allowed people to play cards I would use on Visionary, thus still making her function while being immune. Now that was really overpowered, now just imagine if I would of been able to play NightMist at the time thinking that, oh boy that would be awesome.

The first time we played, with Omnitron, we forgot/didn't realize that villains played cards normally. "So he only plays a card on rampaging robot side, and just gets a card back from the trash on factory side!"

We still lost. 2 hero game. (Before we learned that was a... pretty bad idea.)

Forgetting Chairman's retaliation attacks. Similarly, forgetting Miss Information's as well. But we've always remembered Matriarch's and Operative's. Weird selective attention.

Do you sit at a desk all day?

:open_mouth: Yes I do. :confused:

Citizen Dawn: My first three games against her were so easy that I thought there must be something wrong. Well it was: I thought she has to have 5 citizens IN PLAY to flip. 


Spite: Just the opposite, he seems to be unbeatable until I realized that when he flipped he doesn't regenerate when dealing damage anymore.


Visionarys Projection: forgot to count it as hero target by damage against each of them.


Once having the Aka' limb hit the lowest hero and making them cannot deal damage till next Hero turn.

Totally forgot about it so we didn't realize until we after packed up the win was invalid as the kill was done by CR with is "Cannot Deal Damage" status.

I don't know if it's my biggest, but every time I forget that Wraith's Smoke Bombs only applies to damage dealt by Villain cards (and not, say, the environment) I die a little inside.

My biggest might have been when we were playing against Spite in our marathon session and I somehow misread his end of turn power as damaging all heroes* (and thus gaining him 4x as much HP back). Fortunately I caught that after a few turns and we restarted.


*No thanks to Demon's Kiss and Mindphyre doing just that, I suspect.


Yup, we must be alternate universe versions of each other because I went back and looked at the difficulty and was righteously indignant. It wasn't until I reluctantly gave him another try that I looked at the card more carefully. D'oh!

I've forgotten villain damage on occasion, eg the Operative when you destroy a villain target, or Spite lifetapping when he deals damage. Also didn't realise that Dawn counts as a citizen for the purposes of flipping back from Invincible Mode until it came up on the forum a while back. And I did used to occasionally mess up with regards to stuff like Lead from the Front only being able to redirect villain damage and thinking that that plus Danger Sense meant heroes were basically invincible...but fortunately I don't think anything too bad came of this as we realised we were wrong before it really came up.