Alright, new prediction! It will be a while before we get to find out, but I’m curious to see how I’ll do.
We’ve already got everyone in the core set and Rook City Renegades. I’m fixating on synchronicity here, because we have exactly enough heroes, villains, and environments to match Rook City Renegades’ numbers in each expansion, aside from some serious weirdness for the team decks. So I’m going to predict that they’re going to make the team decks smaller and tighter, rather than predicting that there will be fewer than 15 of them.
I’m not sure about variants. In theory, DE is going with “Normal, First Appearance, Two Variants” for the heroes. This works for every hero that’ll be introduced in expansions, and it works for Unity and Ra, but the Freedom Five and Prime Wardens each have either three or four variants outside of their core and First Appearance selves.
At the same time, six variants per set is enough to give two variants to each core hero over the course of the four sets between core and Oblivaeon. So my theory is that this is what we’ll get, with Oblivaeon giving us the Freedom Five and Prime Wardens variants. At that point the only problem is Bunker, who still has three variants left to give.
I’m going to need to wait to see what the Rook City Renegades variants are before I make predictions there, I think.
With that in mind, here are my predictions:
Set #3 - Disparation
- 6 Heroes [Visionary, Omnitron-X, Chrono-Ranger, Parse, Naturalist, New Hero]
- 9 Villains [The Dreamer, La Capitan, Miss Information, Iron Legacy, The Ennead, Apostate, Three new]
- 5 Environments [Tomb of Anubis, Time Cataclysm, Silver Gulch, Final Wasteland, New]
This set is where all four of our time-travellers go, alongside Parse and the Naturalist. Parse is here because of her being touched by Cosmic Omnitron, and the Naturalist is here mostly because I’m not sure where else he would go in my theories.
For villains, I’m including our time travel and multiversal villains, plus two of our remaining magic folk - each of whom represents a cataclysmic shift for heroes, and thus I think fits in here. New villains will likely include at least one nemesis for Absolute Zero or Bunker, someone connected to Unity, and someone for our new hero.
For environments, we’re looking at a mixture of time nonsense and dead gods, all gateways into other worlds. I expect the final environment will be connected to one of our new villains.
Set #4 - Cosmic Tales
- 6 Heroes [KNYFE, Guise, Scholar, Sky-Scraper, The Southwest Sentinels, New Hero]
- 9 Villains [Infinitor, Deadline, Kaargra, Progeny, Chokepoint, Wager Master, Three New]
- 5 Environments [Dok’Thorath, Enclave of the Endlings, Omnitron-IV, Celestial Tribunal, The Block]
I’m pulling Guise and the Scholar into here because of their galactic travels together, and to tie them to the broader cosmic stuff going on. Sky-Scraper and KNYFE are there for space stuff and FILTER stuff, and the Sentinels are here for 90s action heroing.
For villains, I’ve got the various space villains, Chokepoint to get the Termi-Nation stuff rolling, and Wager Master to be a cosmic nuisance. Our new villains include someone for Bunker or Absolute Zero (whichever wasn’t there before), someone for Sky-Scraper, and someone for our new hero.
For environments, we’re looking at the space and technology environments. The Block squeaks in here because of its use by FILTER. It’s possible that we see Fort Adamant here, and Omnitron-IV below.
Set #5 - Revocorp Presents
- 6 Heroes [Akash’Thriya, Benchmark, Lifeline, La Comodora, Stuntman, Fashion]
- 15 Team Villains
- 5 Environments [Fort Adamant, Court of Blood, Madame Mittermeir’s, Mordengrad, new]
This is a set for reformed villains and vengeance-style enemies. A lot of our previous Oblivaeon heroes end up here, as they try to be better. I’m predicting that if Fashion shows up, it’ll be here, right before the end.
For villains, I’m predicting streamlined team villain decks that don’t have as high a card count and thus can fill in completely. Maybe 15 cards each, plus a handful of special cards that don’t count towards the total.
Environments here are the ‘bad guy’ environments that haven’t already been grabbed. Our new environment… no idea. I’ll ponder that.
Set #6 - Oblivaeon
- 6 Heroes [Luminary, Idealist, Mainstay, Writhe, Doctor Medico, New Hero]
- Oblivaeon, Scions, Aeon Men
- 5 Environments [Champion Studios, Nexus of the Void, Maerynian Refuge, Mobile Defense Platform, New]
We bring out Luminary and the Void Guard for the end of days, alongside most of the environments that were in the previous Oblivaeon set plus a new one. Honestly, I expect that this set’s going to have a few revisions to how everything operates to make it run faster, so I’m not sure what the villains will look like.