Definitive Edition: Order Predictions

Parse is confirmed for Disparation (which you could have seen by scrolling up). Visionary, Chrono-Ranger, and Omnitron-X are no-brainers. There will almost certainly be one new hero. There are arguments to be made about the sixth slot, assuming 6 heroes are in it. My personal guess is the Southwest Sentinels, partly because they’re La Capitan’s nemesis, partially so that Void Guard can appear in box 4 (Cosmic-themed).

For Environments, we certainly have Time Cataclysm, Silver Gulch, and The Final Wasteland. For Villains, definitely La Capitan, Miss Information, Iron Legacy and The Dreamer. This leaves as many as two more environments and 5 more villains.

However, there will probably be a lot of hero variants in this box. Far more than the 6 we’re getting in RCR just with known content, and there are a ton of other options out there. There will likely also be new Events for old Villains. This may come at the cost of one or more new Environment or Villain decks. Probably Villain deck(s), since we need 5 environments per box just to finish out all the old content.

That said, I do expect some new villains. There will certainly be a nemesis for any new hero. There may be a nemesis for one or more old heroes that didn’t have one of their own (i.e. Benchmark, Stuntman, Void Guard, Luminary, Lifeline, La Comodora, or possibly even Bunker, Absolute Zero, Unity, or the Scholar).


I like your math, Godai, but I’m going to throw a monkey wrench into the works and point out that Rook City Renegades also has a 10-card Operative side deck, taking the total number of cards to 550.


I can’t find that…

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I stand corrected. That’s been in a number of threads but not this one.

Was it actually confirmed in some other thread?

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Damn monkey wrenches!


Alright, new prediction! It will be a while before we get to find out, but I’m curious to see how I’ll do.

We’ve already got everyone in the core set and Rook City Renegades. I’m fixating on synchronicity here, because we have exactly enough heroes, villains, and environments to match Rook City Renegades’ numbers in each expansion, aside from some serious weirdness for the team decks. So I’m going to predict that they’re going to make the team decks smaller and tighter, rather than predicting that there will be fewer than 15 of them.

I’m not sure about variants. In theory, DE is going with “Normal, First Appearance, Two Variants” for the heroes. This works for every hero that’ll be introduced in expansions, and it works for Unity and Ra, but the Freedom Five and Prime Wardens each have either three or four variants outside of their core and First Appearance selves.

At the same time, six variants per set is enough to give two variants to each core hero over the course of the four sets between core and Oblivaeon. So my theory is that this is what we’ll get, with Oblivaeon giving us the Freedom Five and Prime Wardens variants. At that point the only problem is Bunker, who still has three variants left to give.

I’m going to need to wait to see what the Rook City Renegades variants are before I make predictions there, I think.

With that in mind, here are my predictions:

Set #3 - Disparation

  • 6 Heroes [Visionary, Omnitron-X, Chrono-Ranger, Parse, Naturalist, New Hero]
  • 9 Villains [The Dreamer, La Capitan, Miss Information, Iron Legacy, The Ennead, Apostate, Three new]
  • 5 Environments [Tomb of Anubis, Time Cataclysm, Silver Gulch, Final Wasteland, New]

This set is where all four of our time-travellers go, alongside Parse and the Naturalist. Parse is here because of her being touched by Cosmic Omnitron, and the Naturalist is here mostly because I’m not sure where else he would go in my theories.

For villains, I’m including our time travel and multiversal villains, plus two of our remaining magic folk - each of whom represents a cataclysmic shift for heroes, and thus I think fits in here. New villains will likely include at least one nemesis for Absolute Zero or Bunker, someone connected to Unity, and someone for our new hero.

For environments, we’re looking at a mixture of time nonsense and dead gods, all gateways into other worlds. I expect the final environment will be connected to one of our new villains.

Set #4 - Cosmic Tales

  • 6 Heroes [KNYFE, Guise, Scholar, Sky-Scraper, The Southwest Sentinels, New Hero]
  • 9 Villains [Infinitor, Deadline, Kaargra, Progeny, Chokepoint, Wager Master, Three New]
  • 5 Environments [Dok’Thorath, Enclave of the Endlings, Omnitron-IV, Celestial Tribunal, The Block]

I’m pulling Guise and the Scholar into here because of their galactic travels together, and to tie them to the broader cosmic stuff going on. Sky-Scraper and KNYFE are there for space stuff and FILTER stuff, and the Sentinels are here for 90s action heroing.

For villains, I’ve got the various space villains, Chokepoint to get the Termi-Nation stuff rolling, and Wager Master to be a cosmic nuisance. Our new villains include someone for Bunker or Absolute Zero (whichever wasn’t there before), someone for Sky-Scraper, and someone for our new hero.

For environments, we’re looking at the space and technology environments. The Block squeaks in here because of its use by FILTER. It’s possible that we see Fort Adamant here, and Omnitron-IV below.

Set #5 - Revocorp Presents

  • 6 Heroes [Akash’Thriya, Benchmark, Lifeline, La Comodora, Stuntman, Fashion]
  • 15 Team Villains
  • 5 Environments [Fort Adamant, Court of Blood, Madame Mittermeir’s, Mordengrad, new]

This is a set for reformed villains and vengeance-style enemies. A lot of our previous Oblivaeon heroes end up here, as they try to be better. I’m predicting that if Fashion shows up, it’ll be here, right before the end.

For villains, I’m predicting streamlined team villain decks that don’t have as high a card count and thus can fill in completely. Maybe 15 cards each, plus a handful of special cards that don’t count towards the total.

Environments here are the ‘bad guy’ environments that haven’t already been grabbed. Our new environment… no idea. I’ll ponder that.

Set #6 - Oblivaeon

  • 6 Heroes [Luminary, Idealist, Mainstay, Writhe, Doctor Medico, New Hero]
  • Oblivaeon, Scions, Aeon Men
  • 5 Environments [Champion Studios, Nexus of the Void, Maerynian Refuge, Mobile Defense Platform, New]

We bring out Luminary and the Void Guard for the end of days, alongside most of the environments that were in the previous Oblivaeon set plus a new one. Honestly, I expect that this set’s going to have a few revisions to how everything operates to make it run faster, so I’m not sure what the villains will look like.


I dunno. At this point, I would lay even money on both appearing in the same box. It would fit both that LC and CR had an entire Dispiration volume devoted to their travels, and it would show just how screwy time shenanigans can get.

I was, however, thinking about Variants. Seems like every box is going to have more and more, as more heroes get released and prior heroes get stuff themed for each box. So Dispiration, as a box set, would probably have long-time favorites like the Freedom 6 and the Xtreen Prime Wardens. I suspect after this one, we won’t be seeing new variants for every hero. Harpy, for instance, probably doesn’t have many variants after RCR is done (maybe Vampire Harpy gets its own variant?). Or it could mean that heroes with fewer variants might have later release dates (less likely, I think).

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Okay, I really want to throw my hat into the ring, so here are my predictions:

(I agree with FrivYeti on the expansion names, but not their contents. And some of these I threw in just because I’d like to see them. New guesses have *'s.)

Set #3 - Disparation

  • 7 Heroes [Chrono-Ranger, Guise, K.N.Y.F.E., Omnitron-X, Parse, Southwest Sentinels, Visionary]
  • 8 Villains [Apostate, The Dreamer, La Capitan, Chokepoint, The Ennead, Iron Legacy, Miss Information, Wager Master]
  • 6 Environments [The Block, The Final Wasteland, Silver Gulch, Time Cataclysm, Tomb of Anubis, Xtremeverse]
  • Lots of Variants

[K.N.Y.F.E. is from another universe, and Guise is affected by Wager Master (single Entity). I also threw stuff from the Egyptian gods and the Host in here, because that’s where they seem to fit most.]

Set #4 - Cosmic Tales

  • 6 Heroes [Doctor Medico, Fashion, The Idealist, Mainstay, Sky-Scraper, Writhe]
  • 9 Villains [*Celestial Tribunal, Deadline, Infinitor, Kaarga Warfang, *Leviathan, Progeny, *Schema, *Sever, Other new]
  • 5 Environments [*Darzon 7/Mosaic, Dok’Thorath Capital, Fort Adamant, The Enclave of the Endlings, Maerynian Refuge]

[Void Guard is a space team, so this is where they fit. I also think the Celestial Tribunal will become a villain, because that makes much more sense. And I think Mosaic would be a sweet environment.]

Set #5 - Revocorp Presents

  • 5 Heroes [Akash’Thriya, Benchmark, Naturalist, Scholar, Stuntman]
  • 15+ Team Villains
  • 5 Environments [MMFFCC, Mobile Defense Platform, Mordengrad, Omnitron IV, Other new]

[Basically the people that would fight Revocorp, along with the people that benefit from its tech, in the environments that I think the Vengeance events took place (plus extras). If Scholar were to come time-wise, he would have shown up in the Core Set, but I think this works - I believe he mostly just pops up occasionally until near the end.]

Set #6 - OblivAeon

  • 4 Heroes [La Comodora, Lifeline, Luminary, Other new]
  • OblivAeon and more Scions than EE
  • 5 Environments [Champion Studios, The Court of Blood, Nexus of the Void, 2 other new]

[I know La Comodora could be in Disparation, but she is one of the Heroes that has the biggest focus on OblivAeon. Lifeline and Luminary only became heroes because of OblivAeon. And Christopher and Adam have mentioned there are other Scions, so I expect more to show up. I also think this might work like the Events and Critical Events, where each Scion fight can be its own thing, split up into a campaign.]


I agree, I think it is crazy that a box called “Disparation” wouldn’t have La Comodora in it, when she

  1. is a time traveler and universe-hopper,
  2. prominently manipulates the multiverse, including erasing entire timelines, and
  3. is the co-star of the book with that name!

So far I don’t think the DE expansion contents are tied to chronological appearance order, so I don’t really buy that Disparation is “too early” for her to appear. Terrorform seems like a fairly late first appearance, after all, and we have events that appear fairly late in the core set.

I do like the idea that Disparation would be packed with variants. ¡Viva El Mejor Legado!

Speaking of Terrorform, I have absolutely no idea why that villain fits into Rook City Renegades. It seems like a much better fit for Megalopolis/RevoCorp stuff. Which is relevant here, because it gives us wiggle-room to allocate items to expansions with tenuous or no connection to the name.


I should probably point out I meant too early in real-world time. Part of it might be me being too used to her being in the last set, but I also know one of her main focuses was OblivAeon. And I like separating character that are multiple things into separate boxes (even if they do weird time stuff).

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Yeah, was wondering that, especially since the Dark Watch are noticeably NOT in the cards shown. But it could be intended as a more technological counter to Gloomweaver (big, and scary), or it fits the themes of villains that you can’t face head-on, but have to work around the stuff in their decks (cultists and relics, bystanders, Ambuscade’s hit-and-run flipping).

Odd thought… there is still one redacted villain in the campaign… what if THAT is La Capitan?

Yeah, maybe. I suppose it could fit into Rook City Renegades because it’s actually a corporate fraud/greed story about RevoCorp. But, for that to be the angle, the RevoCorp connection would have to be really apparent in the deck, and it seems like neither the heroes nor civilians have any idea that RevoCorp was behind Terrorform. If that’s not the connection, I don’t know why it’s in there! Like you said, it doesn’t seem linked to Dark Watch or the settings.

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I think he was in this set simply because they needed a new villain to announce as the first new villain ever to appear in DE, and he fit the bill better than Fey Court or Apex, who both needed to be saved for later.

Except . . . The Southwest Sentinels debuted in 2011, per the Multiverse Recap episode (which retconned C&A’s initial idea of them actually first appearing in the ‘90s).

“Everything happened in the ‘90s.”


Oh, right. I keep forgetting that because it seems impossible! It only gives a total of five years for them to act as a trio, pick up a fourth member, fight La Capitan multiple times as well as at least three other villains, become the Adamant Sentinels, have their fight with Chokepoint, get beamed into space, become the Void Guard, fight the Bloodsworn Coliseum, return to Earth, fight Gloomweaver, get changed by the experience, and then deal with Oblivaeon in 2016.

That’s basically a costume and complete state change every fifteen issues.


My guesses for the hero variants we’ll see on Wednesday, it’s either going to be Rook City Wraith + The Prime Wardens, or it’ll be Rook City Wraith and Super Science Tachyon + 4 new variants. I’m leaning more towards the later.

While the base game heroes have a lot of variants, most of them are related to their teams or alternate versions of those teams. Disparation can cover the Freedom 6, Xtreme Prime Wardens, WWII Legacy and Bunker, and Eternal Haka. OblivAeon contains the Freedom 5, Requital CC, and Setting Sun Ra. TermiNation is tied to Chokepoint. Redeemer Fanatic and Horus Ra are tied to their nemeses. Dark Argent Adept is tied to Cosmic Contest and Visionary.

That leaves the normal Prime Wardens, Rook City Wraith, Scientific Tachyon, and Young Legacy. RC Wraith is kinda a gimme (we even see her on one of Ambuscade’s cards), but the other 5 are up in the air for me. While Young Legacy could appear, due to her connection with Expat, I think it’s more likely she eventually gets her own hero deck, since she has her own comic line, villains and stories (I think we might get her with OblivAeon).

I also doubt the Team Villain expansion will be called Revocorp Presents. Vengeance is a very important event in Sentinel Comics, and the original basis for the team villain mode, so I think it might just be called Vengeance, or more likely Vengeance Returned, since that’s still the name of a comic line and differentiates it from the product in the old game.


I’m too tired to do more than nod along with a lot of these theories, but I wanted to pull this out.

Christopher and Adam have specifically said that they do not want “useless cards” in the expansions. They want you to be able to buy the Core Game and any possible expansion and be able to play with every card in that set. Which means that they actively want to avoid putting variants for an expansion hero in a different expansion. Events are debatable, I remember them saying, but absolutely not variants.

So, I suspect we are never getting more variants for Darkwatch or Alpha, what we have is it. That way someone doesn’t buy Disaparation then feel like they are compelled to buy Rook City Renegades because they have this “Alpha Pack Leader” Variant that they can’t use unless they buy Rook City Renegades.

This means also that when accounting variants that are going to be in the boxes, we have to account for all the variants of the heroes in that box, but extra’s will only be the Core Heroes.

So… why not throw some extra speculation? Full List

Freedom Five Variants
Freedom Six Variants
Termi-Nation Variants
GI Bunker
Prime Warden Variants
Xtreme Prime Warden Variants
Redeemer Fanatic
Eternal Haka
Greatest Legacy
Young Legacy
Horus of Two Horizons
Setting Sun
Super Scientific Tachyon
Rook City Wraith
Dark Conductor Adept

Okay, so where would I place these? Doing them out of Order.

Setting Sun Ra
Freedom Five Variants

Obvious things are Obvious, Ra:The Setting Sun is an OblivAeon event, as were the Freedom Five suits.

Cosmic Tales
Termi-Nation Variants

If Chokepoint is here, then that is where Termi-nation has to be.

Freedom Six Variants
GI Bunker
Greatest Legacy
Eternal Haka
Xtreme Prime Wardens
Horus of Two Horizons
Prime Wardens Variants
Redeemer Fanatic

Now we are running into problems though, as you can see this list is… too big. It is 20 variants, but Xtreme Prime Wardens and Freedom Six make the most sense here as alternative versions, GI Bunker, Greatest Legacy, and Eternal Haka have to be here for the same reason. If The Ennead are here, then we need Horus. And we have to have the regular Prime Wardens before the Xtreme Prime Wardens right?

Well maybe not. But let me finish this out.

Rook City Renegades
Rook City Wraith
Dark Conductor Adept
Young Legacy
Super Scientific Tachyon
Haunted Fanatic

These are kind of what’s left over after covering the other boxes. I’m pretty sure we get Haunted Fanatic and I’m pretty sure we are getting a new variant of Tempest, since he was only defined by teams and that feels strange to me .

But, Disparation is too huge… so why not shift it? Thinking on it, The Extreme Prime Wardens are an OblivAeon event, they come about from Voss’s meddling, and the Prime Warden’s variants are a bit more space focused, and later. So, what about these?

Rook City Renegades
Rook City Wraith
Dark Conductor Adept
Young Legacy
Super Scientific Tachyon
Haunted Fanatic

Freedom Six Variants
GI Bunker
Greatest Legacy
Eternal Haka
Horus of Two Horizons
Redeemer Fanatic

Cosmic Tales
Termi-Nation Variants
Prime Wardens Variants

Setting Sun Ra
Freedom Five Variants
Xtreme Prime Wardens

This gives a much more even distribution of the existing variants for these heroes.


[quote=“Christopher in the RCR update about variants”] Q: Can we have a hint at what’s to come in the next expansion?

A: Goodness, so eager! That’s still a ways off, but [shhhh, spoilers…] we’re already working on it internally! Let’s just say that in the next expansion, things might get a little… weird. You might see some folks not from around here. I’ve said too much already. Bye![/quote]

The bolded statement could be a throwaway comment about Disparation in general, but I’m going to point at it to double down on my prediction that everybody in the set will be from outside Universe 1.

Villain-wise this might mean Iron Legacy, Dreamer, Miss Information, La Capitan, and then a whole slew of new ones? Potentially Deadline and Block stuff by virtue of pocket universes? Maybe singular entity stuff?