Guise Shenanigans in the Video Game

When played "Say Cheese" on Wager Master : "How's this grab ya: 'Wager Master Loses Hit Points! Sounds great, let's shoot a pilot!"

The bar above the target selection screen while using the damage portion of his power (what's it usually say, Select a Target or something?) often says "But Who?" I've also seen "Eenie Meenie Minie Moe..." just today.

When Santa Guise is unlocked, christmas bells are ringing in the background during the "Unlocked a new variant!" gituar riff.

I can confirm it is not Legacy specific, I received this when Legacy wasn’t even in the party.

Also 2 additional Santa Guise quote bubbles on his turn:

The Santa version of the low hp “Marv” homage says “Someone’s getting coal this year.”

There’s one with his hands in the shape of handguns and the bubble says “Better be careful! I’m gonna put someone’s eye out!”

I'm not 100% certain about this because I had music running in the background, but I heard something like "I didn't stack the deck, I swear!" after playing Where Did I Leave That? It could be because he drew two Best Cards Ever (this was in the new one-shot).

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Regular Guise's hand-guns bubble is "BUDDA-BUDDA-BUDDA-BUDDA … Am I doing this right?"

There's also a voiceover for Super Ultra Kawaii, but it's spoken quickly and (presumably) in Japanese, so I'm not sure what he's saying.

Knowing Guise, it’s probably just gibberish that sounds Japanese.


Any chance you could tell us the Japanese phrase?  If you can't post the English version that's fine but I don't have a good way to slow down the audio nor know Japanese enough to attempt to write down what he says.  

My Japanese happened against Baron Blade (who is pictured on the card) and I think I heard the voice refer to "Baron-San" or something....but I sure couldn't make out the rest.

Also, when playing Look what I found against Wager Master ( I think that was the card I played) Guise said something along the lines of "I'll take bruises for 600, Alex!"

Sounds like a job for Team Sentinels Fans!

I’ve heard two phrases when dealing damage with his base power. This one sounded to me like “Yes, I’ll take bruises for six hundred please.”

The other was “You’re just… so… damn… punchable.”

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Aren't you part of the team?  :grin:

When you click on a deck to see what cards are still in it and Santa Guise has already gotten out presents - he has a message for you. 

I can't be much help, I don't speak Japanese!

It sounds like he's saying "Baron-kun, keikyo dozo", but I could be wrong - I randomized until I saw him in a game, and it was up against Iron Legacy with Vigilance in play, so I may have been getting mixed up by the projectile damage sound.

I agree.  I just listened, and it sounds like "Baron-kun keikyo doozo".  That said, as someone that speaks japanese, that's pretty much gibberish.  I mean, sure, "doozo" is just sort of general japanese polite thing that can mean anything from please, to thank you, or "with respect", but "keikyo" doesn't mean anything to the best of my (and my Japanese/English dictionary's) knowledge.  I also tried keikiyo, kekyo, and kekiyo, but no results.  Now, "keikyou" means "Business climate", but I have no idea how that makes sense in context.

How about "Baron-kun, keiki o douzo!"

Dude needs his cake.