Guise Shenanigans in the Video Game

And now for something completely different.

The game is a random one: Omnitron-X, Sky-Scraper, Santa Guise, Dark Watch Expatriette, and Golem Unity against the Ennead in Time Cataclysm.

On the 2nd round Sky played Catch a Ride and chose Guise to deal the damage and Nuit as the target. I fast forwarded through the animation.
She then used Sneaking to play Neutralizing Resonator as it was the only link in hand. She played it next to Nuit, causing the discard of Elemental Storm (green symbol.) This caused Shu, Nephthys, and Isis to want to react and I pushed [Choose for me.]
Shu healed each non-hero for 1, which I fast forwarded through. Nephthys wants to damage all hero targets and I pushed [Choose for me] once again, again holding the fast forward button. Then Isis wants to deal the hero with the most cards in play 2 damage, my options were O-X or Sky and I chose Sky.

Here’s where the shenanigans occured. After I chose the target, as my thumb was going down to speed through the animation, the damage dealing did not happen. The entire screen went black and Santa Guise popped up with a (written, not spoken) monologue starting with “Ho Ho Ho…” but then my thumb finished its descent and the screen went away before I could read anything more. The damage animation then happened as usual.

It was too quick for me to read it or get a screenshot and I’m on Android so no log files. I’ve been rewinding all day trying to get it to come back to no avail. I’ve chosen different targets, different heroes, skipped the Catch a Ride, all sorts of variables. And of course I’ve done my original series of events dozens of times. Sorry folks, but I am unable to reproduce the effect :-/

I’m probably going to give up and continue my game now. If anyone is able to see this screen, I would appreciate it if you could please post a screenshot so I know what I missed.


Without looking at it, it sounds like the monologue he gives if you try to look at a hero deck in order to figure out what cards are face-down in play. Are you sure you didn't hit the button to look at a deck by accident?

He does say that, presumably if the two cards drawn are both Best Card Ever.

I got the stacking the deck one in that same circumstance, 2 best card ever.

I don’t remember if this was called out already or not, but I got a laugh when the news ticker on the splash screen showed that the mega computer screens from the ARG had been retconn’d

This is from before Guise even appears in the game, but his name is graffitied on a wall in Megalopolis. I don't know if that counts.

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I’d never seen that screen before, but now that I went and checked that’s exactly what it was.
That makes me wonder where my other fingers were at… I’m not positive!
However, on Guise’s previous turn I had peeked at Unity’s deck while in the middle of playing her facedown cards. Flash Forge had come up and there was only 1 Raptor available and 1 in play so I hit [Meanwhile] and checked the trash, it wasn’t there so I looked at her deck before realizing she still had 1 more facedown card to play. At the time I did not get this screen, but perhaps it was some sort of delayed reaction bug?
I may have hit it on accident as you say, but I’m going to try to reproduce it just in case.

Thanks for the help!

Heard a new one today playing Say Cheese! "Oooh, I'm you and I just got punched!"

So far no sightings reported of the coolest things... ;)

Does Guise say, "Hello Cowy"?

I wish!

When playing as Santa Guise, sometimes when his turn starts he is dressed in full Santa gear and says something along the lines of "What day is it? There's not too late!"

Anyone tried playing as Santa Guise with the system clock set to 25/12/<some year>?

You're just going to leave us hanging like that? Dang.

If Guise has played Selling Out, but he does not discard at the end of the environment turn, a box pops up saying “Guise did not discard a card so no cards can be played. Not really selling out after all!”

Sometimes after opening his own presents Santa Guise changes the order of his cards in his play area

Playing Look What I Found there was once a sound effect "Oh man the look on your face!

If you doubletap Look What I Found, the effect bubble isn’t always in the same place

When choosing a perform card from borrowing an Adept instrument the [Confirm] box instead says [Vote]

A few more speech bubbles:

  1. Christmas is the time to say I’m gonna beat someone up.

  2. Low hp? I’m just getting started.

  3. Oh…

  4. All i want for christmas is, like, a GALLON of blood

Noticed yesterday, the play/draw dialogue box for Tough Choices said "What will I do? The suspense is killing me!" (Usually it just says "How to choose?")

Should be up to date on the Google sheet

If anyone else wants editing ability just make a request through the sheet.  

I'm not sure if it was anything I did to cause it, or just a random effect, but at the start of Guise's turn in a match against La Capitan in Silver Gulch, Guise changed his picture into him wearing a crown and cape with a giant gold "G" necklace, holding up a scepter imperiously while proclaiming "I have no rival! No man can be my equal!"

Guise had the heighest HP total in play (13 HP with La Capitan at 12, Tachyon at 10, Nightmist at 6 and an Explosives Wagon and Matthew Hayes at 4 both) so that might very well have been the trigger.


Ha! Wow – that's a great Queen reference… :grin:

I hope you had your sound turned up!