You could tell me which kind of steak you'd prefer me to bring to the BYOS at GenCon
(Although I doubt I'll be able to go )
You could tell me which kind of steak you'd prefer me to bring to the BYOS at GenCon
(Although I doubt I'll be able to go )
I've read only a few of the comments over at KS, and I can agree that they're way more more...critical than they need to be.
It's not like everyone at GTG is just twiddling their thumbs in their offices, waiting for a new test box.
Yeah, things were definitely a bit toxic. I’ve noticed that as a trend on Kickstarter in general. I’m backing a CMON one currently as well and folk complain about one thing, so the developers fix it, and then they complain that the problem was fixed. Lol
How do you complain about a problem being fixed?
Because some people like the problem. They considered it a feature. You can never make everyone happy or even close to anyone happy. Someone will be pissed off, because it's not what THEY want despite being a good change.
Counting down until a mod buds this conversation off...
Well I would but I’m on my phone so…
Remind Paul that we miss the monthly state of GTG posts
Remind Paul that we miss him in general, too. :)
I also love the State of the GtG posts! Not so much for the Kickstarter campaigns, but for the other stuff. For instance, I've got a pre-order for the Viva Java reprint that I'm eagerly looking forward to.
Hi Christopher.
I'm late to the party ... I didn't have an account here and when I tried to create one the validation link went directly to my spam. And I just found it now.
I guess it's better this way: I will talk only about OblivAeon. So my comment will be a lot less harsher than it would have been if I posted it before the "New Sheriff" made his update.
I posted my fair share of vitriolic comments on the OblivAeon KS. It was my only way to show my bitterness and disapointment. After a while reading "A lot of stuff is happening, will tell you about it next month, support the **Some other product** KS." each month ... well after a while it loses credibility.
The March one was especially insulting. Escpecially since all other project from Gtg get a complete update (A day later but an actual update with picture and everything.). I had the feeling that you don't care anymore. I don't forget the positive (like the doudle Fedex to send previous expansions) but the lack of news could means for me only two things : The production of OblivAeon went very very very badly AND/OR yoou really really really sucked at communication.
The mid-month came and went ... No update. Another let down.
But that was before ... You gave FINALLY a correct update. An honest one. And apparently will do the same tomorrow, with production stories. The news about the box wasn't that good, but hey. C'est la vie. I though you were scammed and the chinese compagny never send you a product. Now we know what really happened and it's great to know. We got some preview, a deadline, and at least someone took time to read our comments and answer it !
It won't change the past: Previous communication were so bad, that I though I will have to pass on the RPG and Sentinels of Earth Prime. Now I won't say I'll blindly put my money in it, but there is a good chance it will.
I hope that for the next month the update of OblivAeon will reach the same level as the last one. Show us the backstage, the previews, the cool stories. Show us the bad things too, if in the future you see you can't hold the deadline, don't wait the last moment to tell us. We are (mostly) grown-ups, we prefer a good explanation instead of a bad silence.
Make the first tuesday of each month the best day of the month for SotM fans until the release of the game. That's all that I ask.
I have a personal rule to never spend money on a Kickstarter that I'm not OK with possibly having been thrown out into the void. Though despite that the track record of delivery from projects I've picked has been very good.
But, the general trick to communicating with customers is information. It can be tempting to stay silent when things are hectic or not going smoothly, but that just invites people to project their worst fears into the situation. If you're up front with problems and provide concrete ways you're trying to solve them, it can soothe emotions. (Obviously some people will complain anyway, but you'll probably get fewer complaints this way.) And previews and teasers are always a great way to soothe emotions even more.
As for Reddit, I remember joining Reddit back in the day and being surprised to find it was not in fact the 4chan-level cesspool I had been expecting. It has its social issues, but no more than any random forum on the internet will. And I think the folks over on the SotM Reddit are just happy whenever anyone posts anything of substance at all, because the place is pretty quiet a lot of the time.
Speaking of harsh KS comments we have a winner by the name of eric within 10 minutes on the latest update. No pleasing some people.
Well, he only backed one Kickstarter, I don't think is on the forums or subreddit, and made two comments. Eric is just a jerk.
Is there an error on the flavor text for Strangling Roots? (Should it be Aata Wakerewarewa instead of Aritaki Wakewarewa?)
I love the art on Scatter Seeds, and the Orbital Death Laser is really cool.
Request for the next update, assuming the OblivAeon heroes are all the way done: Hero complexity chart?
Could be an alt-Haka?
Maybe. *shrug*
Is there an error on the flavor text for Strangling Roots?
There is no error.
Nice catch! I doubt that's an error, or they would have just said "Haka." I think Aritaki is a newly-revealed character.
Not a big fan of the HP font/background on the Device and Seed. It made me question whether those were targets or that number meant something else (like Nightmist's spell icons). I'd have preferred they stuck to the default "sunburst" icon used for all the older cards.
La Comodora seems like she has a heck of a lot more control over time travel and timeline manipulation now. She must have one heck of a complicated story. I hope we get to hear it all in the Letters page.
I find it interesting that at least two of these new villains-turned-heroes have several card types that aren't one-shots, equipment, or ongoings that can be played from the hand (unlike Mechanical Golems, which I believe are the only such hero cards currently existing). We knew a hero with Devices was going to have some interesting side effects. I guess Akash'Thriya's cards don't count as Equipment or Ongoing so they can't be destroyed by effects that destroy those specifically, just by HP loss or things like End of Days.
I can't really make out what's going on in the art for Hasten Victory.
I have a question that I thought was always vaguely answered in the Kickstarter, but should be easy to answer now that the art is almost certainly done. Will the Character Cards for the 11 new heroes have different art than the ones we received in the foli hero case? Same question for their alternate art cards?
I have a high tolerance for kickstarter delays, I have 4 kickstarters that have not delivered 2+ years past the estimated date. But I'm also careful to only back projects from creators that have created awesome content that I've previously enjoyed. Also I agree with the previous sentiment of not backing a project from a creator you are still waiting on delivery for.