Sentinels of the Multiverse fan art!

Not contrary, just critical.  I don't believe that anyone who inserts themselves into the public discourse is exempt from being evaluated; that's just not the way the world works.  If you don't want to risk having someone tear your creations to shreds, keep them to yourself, or show them only to your close friends who you know won't hurt your feelings.  If you display them to every stranger who walks past, you're asking to hear what everyone has to say; that's the whole point of the publicity.

I'm going to have to side a little bit with Envisioner. When you put something on public display, you open yourself up to evaluation and criticism. Of course, nobody has to agree with Envisioner's evaluation and if you want to argue with the evaluation itself and the points behind it, Spiff, then you are free to do so, but Envisioner does have a right to make his own evaluation, just as you have the right to question the validity of the evaluation.

Precisely.  Society depends on the freedom of open discourse; if we're not allowed to speak the truth (or our perception of it) for fear of offending someone, then we end up with an entirely superficial society in which basic facts go unreported.

To be entirely clear, even though I don't mostly care for this artist's work, I'm glad he posted it; my worldview has been enhanced by the ability to consider these alternatives.  I simply find that I mostly prefer the originals, but a chance of pace can be refreshing, and it's always better to have more options.

There's nothing wrong with criticism, so long as it is constructive.

Is that not what I've been doing?  If not, how not?  How would you have said things differently, if you were attempting to express the same opinion of the art?

Constructive criticism's always better though, right?


edit: ninjaed. 

My point is simply this:  El_Theo has raised the average awesomeness level of the Universe just a bit by creating and, more importantly, sharing his beautiful art.  Everyone's opinion is of course the best, most important thing in the world, but before you drop your bombs on someone else's creation, just think for a moment whether by doing so, you're also raising the average awesomeness level of the Universe, or just dropping it back down.

Okay, I can get behind that.  Sorry if I bummed anyone out.


no problem for me with criticism. As Envisioner said, everyone is free to give his perception and, well, I'm ok with it. I heard the bad criticisms about Wraith, but I knew my vision of her might not fit everyone's expectation. No problem, it's only my personal interpretation. A great american philosopher named Michael Bay once said "I won't change my style for anybody, p*****ies do that".  ;o)

Will you be doing any more pics? I'm interested in seeing your interpretations of the other heroes, and of the villains. I do like your art style even if the characters' actual appearances aren't really how I'd picture them if I was gonna create an image of them myself (eg Legacy with his huge chin, Ab'Zero wearing clothes over his cryo suit, Wraith's "Hey, look! Boobs!" image, etc).

I keep thinking I should do my own pics of the Sentinels characters, but I know I'm no good at drawing humanoids, especially actual humans. I've had a few ideas, but never got round to do anything, lol.

Whee, just finished my first ever piece of Sentinels-based fan art :). I had an idea to do pics like this ages ago but never got round to doing any until now. When I was considering which card to do as my first pic, the answer was obvious - okay, he turned out a bit wonky, but I'm pretty pleased with my first effort :).




Looks pretty good. Was that done in Minecraft?

Hehe, yes indeed it was :). I realise I could build actual 3D models of everyone in it, but I don't think my brain could take that so I'll stick to bodging together these 2D images instead ;). I'm not sure what I'll do a pic of next...I only have a limited "palette" so I suppose there might be some things I can't do without the colours looking really weird. This pic took me a couple of hours or so - maybe I'll do another one when I've not really got anything else to do ;).

Well that's just beautiful :D

Pixel chomps, I love it! :)

Thanks all :). I might do the background on Mr Chomps as well - I did think about it last night but it was about 2am by the time I finished doing Mr Chomps himself so I decided to leave it there. I don't know which card's art I'll do next, whenever I get round to doing another one. I suppose technically it's not so much fan art as fan copying-the-already-drawn-pictures-in-a-slightly-crappy-way but I don't think I could do any decent pics from scratch in this particular medium - better done hand-drawn I think ;).

A Legacy symbol done in Perler beads.

After being cooped up in my place for about five days with the flu, I finally created some Sentinels fanart.  Taking note from some awesome projects on the internet, I've been making Perler bead sprite art of various characters and monsters in games I played when I was a kid.  I took a stab at Legacy's famous lantern.

I've never attempted to make one of these without a bead-for-bead pattern, so it looks a little rough.  Also, the larger projects (there is a quarter next to the symbol for comparison) generally are a nightmare to consistently iron, and this one was no different.  But, extra melted patches and imperfections all, I still am happy I pulled it off!


Cool! I've done some work with mini Hama beads and it's great fun. My Pac-Man "ghost" pendant gets a lot of attention. 

I also appreciate the fact that SotM has mostly-clothed females (exception of Visionary). This was one of the reasons I bought SotM over the Marvel Legendary deck-building game.

I'm a conservative Christian and appreciate that the game as it stands is conducive to me and my family’s values.  I'm glad I can play it with my seven year old and not find profanity, indecency, immodesty, and political agendas rammed down my throat or even hinted at - be they "conservative" or "liberal."  The comics may be different, but the game as it stands is compatible with my faith (in a world where many things seem to not be) and I'm really thankful for that.