Sentinels Statistics Project

I took the latest data in the worksheet (might be the old one, I dunno) and created a few minimal reports at


I think I have improved my turn-around cycle by about 15X, so I should be able to do more things and update more quickly now. 


Lynkfox, where is the new data being stored? And does it have 2-6 hero stuff all together?



FWIW, I don't have a stake in the MySQL vs. PostgreSQL debate. I've used 'em both. Either will work fine for me to link up with, once I get all the necessary expansions into SQL instead of doing them manually. I made good progress on that in the last couple weeks (slower for this update, hopefully faster to do new updates). But I lost a bit of data I'd gotten manually. I need to figure out how to get # of heroes accurately with my new ingest mechanism going.

I've not used the new gsheets at all. I'm glad we won't be running into space issues.

Also, BTW, if it's tough to get all the new data together with the old data, I can pretty well do ingests from multiple sources, once I get a few things ironed out.

Paul, though, you could make me hugely happy with a SQL DB getting all the information in. HINT HINT! :P



Its the same data lay out as the previous - limitations in the manner in which data is collected via the google sheets, unfortunately. Could probably put it through a Table converge function, maybe even on the same sheet, but not sure how much that would slow it down. the new Sheets are better for running processes, but still... over 7000 data entries really can throw a kink in it. ;)

Lynkfox, one thing that I kinda almost need is unique headers for the columns. Right now, the hero incapicated column is the same for each hero. I don't know much about getting data into google sheets from a collection questionaire, but would it be possible to change that to Hero Incap-1 and then Hero Incap-2, and the like? Else, I can't pull in the data I want (well, can't is too strong, but I don't know how to). It all gets jumbled together. Same thing with "Flip?" for the Vengeance Five.

I still think I've got some good improvements on my turn-around time. I need to test a few more times and then I'll try to get everything put all together.



Er. thats not easy.


The headers are set by the Form. Each header is the first line of the Form Question. Changing the name of the Form question might create a whole new column. Ill do some tetsing to see if thats the case and see if I can switch those around, but I'm not sure how flexible that will be.

Wow. That was surprisingly easy. Yay new Google Forms. the Old forms would have made new columns when I changed the titles, but these new ones successfully just rename the columns. Should be much easier for you to parse the data!


Fantastic! Thanks for doing that. I can do more analysis now. Eventually.

For now, I've just updated with data through today. It seems a bit goofy, but I've not had the chance to full validate my results. Still, overall, things seem pretty close.

A couple other things in the data collection form I'd like to see changed:

  1. "Ra: Horus of the Two Horizons" switched to match the earlier "Ra: Horus of Two Horizons"
  2. "K.N.Y.F.E." only has the final period for hero 1. Elsewhere, she's "K.N.Y.F.E" -- I'd like to see those match exactly. Would make life a lot easier.
  3. "Young Legacy" shows up sometimes and "Youngest Legacy" sometimes. I thought it was "Young Legacy", but the important thing is consistency. Once the form is updated to always be one or the other, then we can update the stored records to all match.
  4. I think there might be one place with a "Dark Watch Setbac" on the form. The rest are all Setback (with the k), but I had to correct at least one.


I plan on doing a bit more with villain/hero frequency, position order, hero incapaciation, etc. in the next week or so (I hope). I also think I have my updating process down to under an hour. We can maybe make it even faster, if you're willing to eliminate some of the text lines breaking up data.

And, yes, I think I do have all the two-player data, too.

Thanks for the collection and such!


Those names have now been changed on the Form, and ive gone through with a find and replace to switch them over. Should all be correct now! Let me know if you find anything else out of order.

I also replaced all the Yes, Both Sides, Yes, Side A and Yes Side B with just Yes, for advanced mode, for making it easier to parse the data through.

Thanks a million, lynkfox. I found and corrected a couple errors (that might not have been seen). But I'm still having a couple. Regardless, we've made fantastic progress in the last week!


I think I've fixed all my errors. And I got the updated data, so it should be nearly completely accurate at this point.

I'll try to update weekly. But feedback on what people like (and what they want to see more of!) would probably help encourage me. I still should do some Incapicitated work and some work on the Vengeful Five. Anything else? 

And, all, please USE THE TABS across the top. There are LOTS of reports!


For the Heroes tab, can you show not only the overall win %, but also how many entries that data is based on?  Especially with the new heroes from Vengeance, I'd like to see how often they've been played relative to the other heroes, so I know when the sample size is big enough to trust.

Also, the entry for Youngest Legacy is showing 100% win, which I'm sure is an error.

Good idea, squad. I added game count reports to a few sheets. And updated with latest data (which corrects the Youngest Legacy problem). And added a new tab (at the end) which shows SOME stuff with two different heroes. So, you can ask, does Legacy work well with Argent Adept, for instance. That's still not the clearest sheet, but it shows a bit of analysis in that regard.



Oh WoW! i love the ability to filter it by username. So awesome! Now I know who i haven't played against whom! :)

Thanks!  And great idea about the two hero comparison!  I'll definitely put that information to good use.

First off, thanks for making this available - it makes me unreasonably happy to have tools for slicing and dicing data.  (Why yes, I do find myself growing more and more fond of Parse, why do you ask?)

Secondly, feedback for Arathorn:

  • It would be nice to have some global filtering available that extends across all reports, such as (de)selecting specific heroes and/or villains, preferably in a multi-checkbox dropdown list like you already have on several reports.  Excluding certain options in a given report one by one sometimes carries over to other reports, but not always.  Centralizing that functionality would be convenient.
  • It would be nice to have the ability to mass de-select groups of heroes/villains by expansion.  For example, I have no promo cards at all.  For awhile I only had the base set and the Vengeance expansion.  While it's great to be able to look at the data on cards that I don't have, I'm usually more concerned about the ones to which I do have access.  I've just started getting some friends into the game and it's helpful to give them some broad overviews based on this data - e.g. "Taking on The Chairman in Rook City, while thematically amazing, is likely to be very painful."

Can I get access to the raw data?  I've made stats sites for race and dominion before.

At long last, I have finally updated the charts again. I didn't do anything more than just update with new data. I changed computers, and it made things complicated, but I should be in a position to be quicker on updating again.

I really like the idea of being able to filter by expansion as well. I'm not quite sure exactly how I'll implement that, but I know it's doable. I just have been slammed at work and slammed at home. Home should be easing a bit, at least. 

Later all!


Hey guys, Matthew Gray (the guy running doesn't have access to the raw data he needs to update his site anymore. Can we do anything to get him access to that?


Tell him to send me an email from the gdoc address he'll use to access them (lynkfox at gmail) and i'll add him up.