Its been a very. busy month for me. Between getting ready for a trip to Europe next month, my work place moving entirely to a new location (a local catering company) and said work picking up quite a bit, i didnt get to update this month.
Now the gdoc doesnt seem to be accepting responses anymore - and Im not certain whats causing that
Thanks to Arathorn keeping the data going - ill try to find some time to work out the kinks, and we really should try to find someone with SQL knowledge to get us something more robust!
I remain super excited about this project. I hope that one day (maybe in the next year? who the heck knows) I'll have the time to set up a SQL database and REST API or something, hosted on the GTG servers. That way you all could build more robust and clever frontends and displays of data.
Taking the Sentinels statistics data, adding them to an SQL database, creating a RESTful API frontend for the data, and creating clients to consume and display this data. This sounds like all sorts of wonderful joy.
Note: there was no sarcasm in this post. Not even in this statement declining said use.
Well, while I don't have the time to really update the statistics, I did go through and update the form for Vengeance and the Dark Watch Promo's.
Of course Vengeance complicates things quite very much.
Very much
But such is the life of this project.
I removed all the formula's from the data, except the individual look up formulas (which have NOT been updated for Vengeance yet, be aware) that should help move things along a little bit.
Google Spreadsheets is also updating to be faster, stronger better - but sheet protections are not in yet. So i am not willing to put it up yet into the new format - because tampering is a real concern and breaking the form by too many people playing around is a possiblity.
So anyways there is that. Arathorns update isnt as often as would be awesome, but at the very least, the stats are getting collected. When someone *cough paul? cough xD kidding!* has time to put up a real SQL and API and what not stuff that be great, but at least until then the stats are being collected. :)
I wrote a script to see how the various heroes and villians are impacted by the player count (as I didn't see that done elsewhere - may have missed it) - see attached. Interestingly, some villians get much easier (with my metric - Omnitron, The Chairman, Plague Rat, The Matriarch, Iron Legacy, Voss) with more players, some stay about the same (Spite, Akashbhuta, Apostate, Dawn, Kismet), and The Dreamer gets much harder (and is actually the hardest 5p villain). I think this is mostly due to the extent of H icon usage and/or group vs individual attacks.
Similarly, some heroes get much better in larger groups (again by my metric - Visionary, Bunker, Tempest, Legacy, Wraith, Fixer) some get just a bit better (Haka, Chrono, Argent Adept) and some stay about the same (Absolute Zero, Nightmist, Omnitron-X). I think utility like villian deck manipulation and Legacy's base power gets better with larger groups, and heroes that have basically their own game plan seem to be just as good in 3P as in 5P. Some of the results for the heroes surprise me - I would have guessed Absolute Zero would add more to bigger teams b/c he gains so much when his damage is pumped.
I hope in the next couple of weeks to be able to work on getting the sheets updated again. No idea when this will be, but hopefully Ill be able to find the time to do it in a more effecient manner allowing for easy updating.
If anyone out there has the knowledge for converting google docs into SQL Databases, please let me know. Arathorn and I don't have that knowledge unfortunately making it harder to update using the Tabelau software.
If I get the time, I could convert the spreadsheets into a SQL schema and, indeed, would love to do so at some point, and also help you guys out with a hosting solution. I'm super busy most of the time, though, so if you happen to get to it before me, I would like to recommend going with PostgreSQL instead of mysql or something else.
Just out of curiosity, is there anyway to know if the document submitted correctly? I've just filled it in for the first time and after the last page it just went to a blank white screen, does it usually do that?
go ahead and put it in again, i police the document for duplicates. Also, being the older googledocs, it doesn't always work properly... i hope they put in some sort of migrate tool to migrate from an older version to the new gsheets
ALSO! I've been working on updating the statistics again. Its hard going work,because in order to make it not so stupidly processive intensive, ive removed the formulas from the webdoc, to put them into an actually excel sheet. But gsheets and excel use similar... but different formulas. Most notably, array formulas are done ENTIRELY different (its an actually formula function in gsheets, and in excell you have to end a formula by hitting ctr alt enter - and array formulas are how I am able to even begin to sort the information)
so ive had to rewrite most of the formulas I used to parse the data. Its slow going, but if you are interested in...
we have hit the limit of Cells allowed for an old version of Google Drive Sheets. (40,000) I am working on converting the sheet tot he new version without loosing any of the data. This may be difficult, but the new version runs faster, smother, better, and has no limit (well, 2million they say, but should be able to go above it (they say) )
So for the time being the response form has been disabled. When i get this figured out, I'll provide the new link to the new submit your data form.